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    江門星輝造紙有限公司為日本北越制紙集團的子公司,是日本北越制紙集團在國日本囯外所投資建設的第一個嶄新的造紙項目,日本北越制紙集團對江門星輝造紙有限公司給予全方位的指導及支持,在日本北越制紙集團的領導及技術轉移下,江門星輝造紙有限公司的首期建設項目如期順利竣工及投產, 江門星輝造紙也將不斷的改進及提升生產技術、提高產品的質量及給予持續不斷的創新,并同顧客保持緊密的雙向溝通,深入了解顧客在產品質量及服務方面的需求,盡全力追求顧客對我們的產品及服務之最高滿意度, 並同顧客建立長期合作伙伴的關系。


    Jiangmen Xinghui Paper Mill Company Limited ( herein after “ The company “ ) established in June 2011, it is located in Guangdong Yin Zhou Hu Paper Industry Base, Area A, Shuangshui Town, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, The People Republic of China, it is jointly invested by HokueTsu Kishu Paper Group (Japan), Mitsubishi Corporation (Japan) and Hop Chong Paper Merchant Co Ltd ( Hong Kong).The company has already completed phase 1 investment amounting to USD 271 million with an annual production capacity of 300,000 MT of Coated Duplex Board plant. The Plant has already commenced its commercial operations, sale and distributions in the China market as well as to the export region.

    The Company is equipped with the most advanced manufacturing facilities and the most up to date Technical process. In order to achieve consistent product quality, the Company has also adopted high degrees of process automation and control.

    The company is a subsidiary of Hokuetsu Kishu Paper group ( hereinafter “ HKP “ ), it is the first overseas green field mill for HKP group. HKP provides the full support and guidance to the Company. Under the management leadership and transfer of Technical knowhow from HKP to the Company, the Company has completed the Phase 1 construction as per schedule and has commenced its operation. The Company will continue to improve, innovate and upgrade its manufacturing technology to achieve high product quality. The Company will continue to maintain two way communication channels with its customers so as to achieve in-depth understanding of their requirements with respect to the product quality and their service needs. The Company will strive to pursue full customer satisfaction and building of long term partnership with the customers.
